5 stars
Mature Content:
0 (none)
Age Range:
Interest level:
Book Blurb:
Fifteen-year-old Mayten loves training as a tree singer, an esteemed position among her clan. But when she feels pain coming from the trees, she finds herself on an unexpected quest, one so dangerous she might never return home.
Now Mayten must use her unfinished training to face betrayal, fear, and a deadly foe. Is she a match for the ancient evil attacking her trees or will the entire kingdom fall to ruin? (from Goodreads)
~I'd like to thank the author for sending me a free copy in exchange for my honest review!~
wow... Ahhh!!! *fangirl scream* Where do I begin?
This is like an adventure novel with Harry Potter vibes. I mean, WHO CAN SAY NO TO THAT?!
The ending was the best part. The grand finale (or the secret villain) was so unexpected, and the ending was sort of a happily-ever-after-but-there's-going-to-be-sequel feel, which I really loved.
The characters were great, AND, the main character wasn't the stereotypical I-WANT-TO-GO-ON-A-QUEST!!!! type of character. Instead, she was really hesitant, and then, throughout the novel... (sorry, no spoilers! XD)
Anyway, this was an awesome book, and I'm really looking forward to reading more books from this author!
Things I Loved:
-It was magnificently written
-It give me some Harry Potter vibes
-It had a great ending
-It had great charcters
Things I Didn't Love:
-Honestly, the only thing was that I couldn't keep reading more... guess I'll just have to wait for a sequel! XD
In Conclusion:
This was a great book, so if you're looking for a fantasy book to read, grab this one!