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Non-Fiction, Christian, Devotional
4 stars
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When you have found religion to be constricting and confining, let God speak to you through the wide-open spaces of the African landscape. These eight inspirational devotions meditate on different aspects of God's creation from Namibia to the Great Zambezi River inviting you into a deeper conversation with your Creator. (From Goodreads)
~I'd like to thank the author for sending me a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!~
This was a nice devotional that focused on nature and God's creation. A felt life the daily devotions were a little long at times, but I always got something out of them. Also, the prayers at the end used pronouns such as "we" and "us", so these devotions may be great for a group reading as well.
These devotions have given me a new look on nature and the Lord.
Things I Loved:
-Each of the devotions were a good length
-I learned something from each one
Things I Didn't Love:
-I felt like the prayers at the end of each passage could have been a little more personal, like you're just having a conversation with the Lord
In Conclusion:
This was a great devotional, and I enjoyed it!
I agree with you. I like a personal conversation with my Creator.