Genres: Fiction, Christian, Contemporary
Rating: 4 stars
Target Audience: Teen/Adult (no mature content)
Book Blurb: Forty-three-year-old Wiletta Jayne is a God-loving woman in the midst of a spiritual drought. Her strong relationship with God has been disrupted by her chaotic lifestyle, and she feels lonely and lost. She decides to take some time off from work and visit the beach, where she hopes to reconnect with God’s voice.
On the way, Wiletta feels a strong pull to visit a garage sale, where she finds a small stack of letters for sale. Knowing they are meant for her, she buys them and begins reading through them while on her vacation. In the letters, Wiletta discovers personal stories of despair, loneliness, joy, and more. God then instructs her to find the authors of the letters, so she reaches out to her best friend, Faith, who is a private investigator. Together, Wiletta and Faith set out to find these people, help them to know God’s love, and heal their hearts so they can seek him again.
This novel tells the story of a woman led by God to a collection of letters written by strangers and the journey she takes with a friend to find and help the letters’ authors. (From Amazon)
~I'd like to thank the author for sending me a free copy in exchange for my honest review!~
Can I tell you a secret? I have never cried while reading a book.
Can I tell you another secret? I felt myself get a tad teary-eyed while reading this book, which is huge.
Written in such a heartfelt way, this book is a masterpiece. Through the stories of each of the characters, you can see how the Lord works in each of our lives, and how what seems like a life's dead end is only a twist in the story, a point where you learn a valuable life lesson.
When I read books like these, I'm always inspired to strengthen my relationship with the Lord, especially with ones as well written as this.
All in all, I really enjoyed this book, and, if you're looking for a potential tear-jerker or an inspirational story, this one's for you!
Highly recommended!
Things I Loved:
-It was heartfelt, you could feel that the author put lots of emotion into this book
-It was inspiring
-It was a short, sweet read
Things I Didn't Love:
-Idk, I don't think I have any complaints!
In Conclusion: If you're looking for a short, sweet, and inspiring Christian book, this is definitely the book you're looking for!
Recommended?: Yes!